Launched in 2018, Pirate Plunder is an independent title published thrice a year in May, August, and November for The Pirate Brethren of the British Isles by Young Editorial Services.
The magazine aims to support the non-violent plundering of the populace of coastal towns and inland counties for the benefit of worthy charities throughout the British Isles by encouraging the fund-raising activities of pirate crews and promoting pirate festivals and other events where charitable pirates are to be found.
It is a family enterprise, with the Editor’s youngest son contributing extracts from his diary as Cap’n James Summer in the 1670s, and other members of the family play their part in maintaining a happy crew – their motto is: The family that slays together stays together!
‘Pirate Plunder’ contains regular pages headed ‘Scuttlebutt’, which reveals the nefarious doings of the pirate community, ‘Broadside’ for pirates to express their views to the Editor and ‘Shantyman’ to celebrate the piratical life through music.
The magazine features aspects of life in the ‘Golden Age’ of piracy, carries articles on practical aspects of re-enactment, reviews pirate festivals and lists forthcoming pirate gatherings.
The ‘Trading post’ pages are where pirates and those that love ’em can find out where to acquire re-enactment weapons, clothing, seaboots, tricorn hats, eye patches, earrings, tankards for grog and all manner of pirate gear from reputable chandlers.